Friday 25 January 2013

Amanohashidate Supreme pass 1day, 2days

Official name of the Pass:Amanohashidate marugoto furii pasu(天橋立まるごとフリーパス)
Price 1day: 3090yen(Adult)
         2days(two consecutive days):4430yen(Adult)
*Non-refundable, Non-rebookable, you need to validate the pass within 3months

You can travel as much as you like with following transportation;
All Tantetsu trains (京都丹後鉄道)
Express*non-reserved seat(特急自由席)

Tankai bus(丹後海陸交通/丹海バス)
Miyazu station(宮津駅)
Amanohashidate station(天橋立駅)
Kasamatsu cable-shita(傘松ケーブル下)
Mountain bus(登山バス)*Must be pay admission fee to the temple to get on this bus cause of the bus running on a private road of the temple(400yen/person).
  • Kasamatsu Park(傘松バス駅)-Nariaiji Temple(成相寺)

Amanohashidate sightseeing boat(天橋立観光船)
  • Miyazu sanbashi(宮津桟橋)-Amanohashidate sanbashi(天橋立桟橋)-Ichinomiya sanbashi(一の宮桟橋)
Cable car&Chair lift(ケーブル・リフト)
  • Fuchu eki(府中駅)~Kasamatsu eki(傘松駅)
Also the 2day pass include one time FREE admission to a hot spring, Chie no yu(知恵の湯) and the passes entitles you to a discount in about 46 restaurants&attractions&shops...

Buying the passes: Tankai bus information centre in Miyazu(丹海バス 宮津案内所),
                               Sightseeing boat at Amanohashidate(天橋立観光船のりば),
                               Following 8 stations of KTR
  • Fukuchiyama(福知山)
  • Nishimaizuru(西舞鶴)
  • Miyazu(宮津)
  • Amanohashidate(天橋立)
  • Mineyama(峰山)
  • Amino(網野駅)
  • Kizuonsen(木津温泉)
  • Toyooka(豊岡)
Well, I personally think you perhaps would like to purchase the ticket before your trip start because otherwise you must get off from the express train and wait another 1hr at least.
So I checked(called) where you can buy the ticket at Kyoto station(京都駅).
*Japan travel-TiS-Kyoto(日本旅行TiS京都支店)
Located in the main entrance(Karasuma exit) of Kyoto station.
OPEN:11:00-19:00(everyday) CLOSED:31st Dec-3rd Jan
Credit card accepted.