Saturday, 29 October 2016

Tips for a day tripper to Amanohashidate in autumn&winter

If you are visiting Amanohashidate from Kyoto or Osaka as a day trip,
PLEASE make sure you are going to arrive at Amanohashidate in the morning or at latest in noon. Especially if you are plan to walk through Amanohashidate itself (pine tree forest).
And I don't recommend you to try visiting both Amanohashidate&Ine by a day trip from Kyoto or Osaka, that is tooooooooo rush. Due to sunset is earlier and closing time of everything is earlier in winter.
Sunset is around 16:45-17:00. Many shops or restaurants start closing around 15:00-16:00.

ALTHOUGH, I really love view of sunset from Kasamatsu park in autumn, romantic and calm down atmosphere. Of course, the day view is must see thing(bridge to heaven) in here so if you are staying overnight in Tango region, I highly recommend to visit Kasamatsu park twice, once for a day and another for before sunset. If you are visiting for the sunset, make sure wear warm clothes. The last cable car to go down from Kasamatsu park is at 17:00(in November) which means the park close by 17:00, don't miss it!